Category: Pest Control

Protecting Your Pets from Fleas and Ticks: Safe Pest Control Practices

Pests can damage crops, trees, and shrubs and destroy homes and structures. They can also spread disease. Pest control involves limiting the number of pests and their damage to acceptable levels.

There are different methods of pest control: natural, chemical, mechanical, and biological. Natural controls include climate, natural enemies, barriers, and the availability of food and water. Click the Pest Control Sherman Oaks to learn more.

Preventing pest infestations is a good way to save money and to avoid harm to people, property and the environment. It requires knowledge of pest behavior and regular inspections of the property. It also includes structural preventive methods such as caulking cracks, reducing food residue and keeping garbage in tightly closed containers. It may also include removing sources of water and shelter, such as standing water or piles of wood and debris. Routine cleaning and minimizing clutter can help prevent pests as well.

Threshold-based decision-making refers to regularly scouting and monitoring for pests and determining when they are present in an unacceptable number. For example, seeing a few wasps around the house rarely warrants action, but if you see them every day they should be removed immediately. It is also important to use the least disruptive physical, biological, or chemical control methods available for a given situation.

Prevention is most effective in enclosed environments such as dwellings, schools and offices, health care facilities, warehouses and food processing plants. It is less effective in outdoor areas where the weather and the ecology often influence pest populations. Eradication is sometimes attempted, especially for invasive species such as the Mediterranean fruit fly and gypsy moth.

Structural preventive measures are often the first line of defense against pests, such as rodents and insects that enter buildings. These include barriers, such as fences and walls, and traps or screens that keep pests out. Devices that alter the environment, such as radiation and heat, may also be used.

Chemical controls include the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides to kill or control insects and plant diseases. Pesticides should be selected carefully, applied according to the label instructions, and used with the minimum disruption to the environment. They should always be used in conjunction with other management strategies to minimize risks to humans and the environment.

Many pests are resistant to one or more types of pesticides, so it is important that pesticides be used sparingly and only when the benefits outweigh the risks. Resistance development is accelerated when pesticides are used continuously or in large quantities.


The goal of suppression is to reduce pests to a level where they no longer cause unacceptable damage. This is often done using a combination of control methods. It may also involve limiting access to food, water, shelter, and other resources that pests need to survive or thrive. These steps are generally less harmful to the environment than extermination, which involves killing all of a pest population.

Keeping pest populations down can help to preserve property value and human health. Regular pest inspections can identify infestations early and prevent them from growing to unmanageable levels. In homes, this means preventing the spread of cockroaches, bedbugs and fleas. In commercial environments, it can mean preserving the integrity of buildings and the products they contain.

The first step in controlling pests is to recognize that they are a natural part of the ecosystem. Even though they can cause problems in certain situations, they are vital to the health of the environment and the food chain. Many pests are also useful in keeping other organisms in balance, for example by consuming waste materials or competing with other species for food or resources.

When pests do become a problem, it is important to consider the impact on people and other organisms in the area. Threshold-based decision-making can help to limit the amount of control measures used and their effects on the surrounding environment. For example, a few wasps seen in the garden don’t necessarily warrant action, but many more could indicate that their nest needs to be located and destroyed.

Other strategies to manage pests include encouraging their natural enemies or excluding them. Physical barriers such as fences and mesh can be used to exclude pests from crops and gardens. The use of natural predators, parasitoids, and pathogens can also be effective. For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produces a toxin that is specific to caterpillars and can be used to kill them without harming humans or domestic animals.

Cultural practices can also be used to discourage pests and enhance the performance of their natural enemies. These can include intercropping or planting trap crops to make it harder for pests to find a host plant, crop rotation to provide new habitats for beneficial insects and other organisms, and delaying the time of sowing to allow beneficial insects to emerge before the pests.


Pests cause serious problems in homes and businesses, from destroying crops to damaging properties. They also carry diseases that can be harmful to humans. Pest control involves the use of various techniques to eliminate these unwanted creatures. These techniques include prevention, suppression, and eradication. The most common pests are rodents, cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, and mosquitoes. Rodents are the most problematic pests in households and restaurants, while roaches and termites are the biggest problems in commercial settings.

Prevention is the best way to deal with pests, but it can be difficult and time-consuming. Prevention includes removing food sources and water supplies for the pests, clearing away weeds, and spraying with chemicals that deter or kill them. However, it is important to remember that some pests can recur even after preventative measures are taken.

Suppression is a faster and easier method of controlling pests. It involves introducing natural enemies of the pest, such as parasites and predators, to the area. This can be supplemented with chemical methods, such as the release of sterile males or the use of pheromones. However, this type of control does not always work. There is often a time lag between the increase in the number of natural enemies and the corresponding decrease in the population of the pest.

Chemicals are the quickest and most effective means of controlling pests. They are typically applied as a liquid or powder, and they can be used to destroy or repel the pests. Chemicals are usually toxic to people and other living things, so they should only be used by trained pest control technicians.

Eradication is the last resort when all other pest control methods have been exhausted. It involves reducing the global incidence of a disease to zero through deliberate intervention. Eradication is a difficult and dangerous undertaking, but it can be accomplished with the right mix of tools and vigilance.

The first step in eradicating pests is to conduct a thorough inspection of your home or business. This will allow the technicians to identify entry points, nesting areas, and signs of infestation. Once the inspection is complete, they will develop a customized treatment plan. This may involve baiting, trapping, or spraying. Before using any pesticide, make sure that you remove all personal items, including food and cooking utensils. Then, follow the directions on the label. It is also a good idea to leave the house while the spray takes effect.


Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, is an ecosystem-based approach to managing pests that combines prevention with monitoring, scouting, identification, and treatment. It is important to know how to identify pests and their hosts accurately so that control strategies can be developed and implemented according to established guidelines. This prevents the unnecessary use of chemicals that could harm the environment and human health.

Preventive methods of pest control, called nonchemical controls, are the first option in IPM. These include cultural practices, physical barriers, and physical trapping and removal of pests. They might involve stretching netting over a row of berry bushes to stop marauding birds, or using easy-to-use gopher traps in gardens and landscapes to eliminate pocket gophers. It is also possible to reduce the need for chemical controls by changing soil conditions or providing a proper nutrient solution that will make plants stronger and more resistant to damage from pests and disease organisms.

When these control measures do not work, or when a pest population has reached an economic injury threshold, a treatment strategy is needed. If the scouting and monitoring results indicate that the population is above this threshold, biological, physical, or chemical controls may be used. The goal is to use the least toxic method available that will achieve the desired results.

In IPM, pathogens, insect predators, parasites, and other natural enemies are introduced into the environment to suppress the numbers of pests, in addition to the use of disease organisms that kill or debilitate their host species. Bacillus thuringiensis, for example, is a bacterium that produces a toxin that kills or injures caterpillars and other Lepidopteran insects without damaging other plants.

IPM is more than just a set of tools to help manage pests; it can also be beneficial to your landscaping business. Using greener, less toxic methods of pest control can attract customers who are concerned about their health and the environmental impact of pesticides. This can lead to increased revenue, as well as more repeat business compared with competitors who focus solely on spraying for pests. In fact, a landscaper that is willing to provide IPM services can even charge premium prices over the competition that just offers spray-based pest control.

Dealing with Ant Infestations: A Comprehensive Guide

Pest control aims to minimize the presence of unwanted animals, plants, or organisms. It involves prevention – keeping pests from entering; suppression – reducing their numbers to an acceptable level; and eradication – destroying the pest population entirely. Click to learn more.

Maintaining a hygienic home and removing food sources will greatly reduce the number of pests in your house. Consider also using parasitic nematodes (microscopic worms) to target grubs and other harmful insects in your garden.

The best way to prevent pest infestations is to eliminate their breeding grounds and remove the things that attract them. This includes food, water, and shelter. Several common items, including leftover food, improperly sealed trash cans, cracks in walls, and standing water, provide ideal breeding and feeding places for pests.

Structural prevention is a key aspect of effective pest control, and involves inspecting a building’s exterior for entry points that pests can use. A thorough inspection should include all areas where utility lines, vents, and pipes enter or exit the property. If these areas are found to be open, then they should be sealed with caulk. Cracks and gaps should also be filled in with caulk or other material to prevent pests from accessing the property. Doors should be checked for proper seals and weather stripping, and windows should have screens that are in good condition.

Clutter is another major source of pests, and should be removed as often as possible. This includes stacks of newspapers, magazines, and cardboard. Vacuuming and cleaning regularly is also important, and should include all areas where pests could breed or hide. Bug zappers and other repellents can be useful in keeping pests away from homes and offices.

Moisture is also a major attractant for many pests, and should be controlled by fixing leaky pipes and drains. Humid regions should be ventilated and dehumidified to reduce moisture levels.

Physical pest control methods involve traps, bait stations, and sprays. Traps are effective for capturing pests, but they must be checked and emptied frequently to be effective. Bait stations are more reliable, but they must be set in locations where pests are unlikely to find them. Sprays are also an option for controlling pests, but must be used carefully in order to avoid cross-contamination with foods and other products in production, processing, and packaging environments.

Pesticides are chemical substances that kill or control pests, but can be harmful to humans and other animals if misapplied or used incorrectly. Proper training and safety precautions must be taken when using pesticides, and only a qualified professional should use them.


Typically, pest control is applied in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted insects and animals. This is done by eliminating their food sources and restricting their access to shelter or water. It also includes the removal of their breeding grounds. This prevents pests from multiplying and causing damage.

This is the best way to prevent pest infestations. Preventive methods include barriers to pests, such as repellents and traps. Physical pest control includes the use of traps, bait stations, and pheromones to lure and kill pests. These are particularly useful for rodents and insects that live in offices, hospitals, hotels and other business locations.

A more advanced method of prevention is to introduce natural enemies into the environment to prey on pests. These organisms could be predators, parasitoids or disease-causing microorganisms. Classical biological control involves raising the natural enemies in the laboratory, and then releasing them into the environment in small batches at regular intervals or in one large batch. This type of pest control works because the natural enemies usually breed and thrive in the local habitat.

To be successful, biological pest control must work in conjunction with other pest management techniques. For example, planting native plants that serve as food for the natural predators and parasitoids can help control pest populations. This also helps the ecosystem function as it should, by balancing the populations of both the plant-feeding and the pest species.

Many pests are not only damaging to the environment and property; they can also cause diseases in humans and animals. Cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, fleas and ticks can transmit human diseases such as malaria, typhus, plague, Lyme disease, and salmonella poisoning. Other pests like caterpillars and beetles can destroy cultivated crops.

In homes, the most common pests are rodents and insects that contaminate food and other possessions. They can also damage indoor environments by chewing, gnawing or burrowing. Many of these pests are also a nuisance by detracting from the appearance of buildings and yards. They may also carry harmful bacteria that can affect human health. Pests are also a significant economic burden, as the loss of food caused by pests each year exceeds billions of rands in South Africa.


The first step in pest control is to detect a problem before it becomes a catastrophe. Whether it’s rats, termites, cockroaches or bed bugs, pests can cause serious problems and lead to expensive repairs or even health issues, so it is important to recognize the signs of infestation early on. Fortunately, there are several telltale signs of pests that can help you spot the problem before it escalates.

The simplest way to detect a pest problem is to look for visual cues, such as droppings or rotting food. Rodents leave pellet-shaped droppings that resemble coffee grounds, while termites and cockroaches often produce small dark-colored droppings. These droppings can indicate a pest problem because they are often contaminated with bacteria and other disease-causing agents, as well as rotted food.

If you see these droppings, make sure to clean them up right away to prevent further damage and contamination. You should also pay attention to any sounds coming from your home or building. Scratching and scurrying noises, especially at night, usually indicate the presence of rodents, such as mice and rats. You should also listen for chirping, squeaking or gnawing sounds. These sounds are a sign that pests are living in your walls or attic.

It’s also important to keep in mind that many pest species have distinct odors. A rat’s urine-like smell, for example, is easy to identify, while the scent of a cockroach can be quite distinctive.

Lastly, a pest infestation is also often accompanied by an increase in humidity or temperature in a room or space. These conditions can accelerate the infestation process, making it more difficult to eliminate the pests.

If you are unsure what kind of pest you are dealing with, it is best to seek the advice of a professional. They will be able to identify the pest and provide appropriate treatment methods. In addition, they will be able to recommend any corrective measures that should be taken to prevent the pests from infesting again in the future. In this way, they can save you a lot of money and stress down the road.


Pests can cause damage to buildings, crops, or products, and can also lead to disease in humans or animals. Control of pests can prevent or reduce such damage. The main methods of pest control are prevention, suppression, and treatment. Prevention involves removing things that attract pests, and eliminating conditions in which they thrive. Treatment involves applying one or more methods to kill or repel them.

Some pests are killed or deterred by the actions of their natural enemies, such as parasites and predators. This is called biological control. There is often a time lag between when a pest population increases and when its natural controls become established in the area. Chemicals may be used to supplement biological control, especially if the threat is severe.

Physical barriers, such as traps and screens, can be used to prevent pests from entering buildings. Doors and windows should be tightly closed, and gaps should be caulked or sealed with quality materials. Clutter should be removed, and areas around pipes, drains, and vents should be cleaned regularly. Regular trash collection can help control pests in food processing environments, as can the use of containers with tight lids for all waste.

Plants, trees, and shrubs near a building should be kept trimmed so they don’t provide hiding places or access to upper floors. Wood piles should be stacked away from the building, and vines and other climbing plants should be removed.

Other physical controls include radiation and electricity, which can alter the environment enough to discourage or kill pests. Chemicals such as carbon dioxide, ethylene, and chlorine can also be used to control certain pests.

Many pests can be controlled without the use of chemicals, though this depends on the kind of pest and the situation. For example, nematodes can be introduced to the soil to kill insects that damage vegetables and fruits. Other non-toxic options include the use of pheromones, which can confuse male pests and reduce their numbers, and juvenile hormones, which can keep immature pests from maturing into normal adults.

Whenever possible, the goal should be to avoid the need for treatments by implementing preventive pest management practices. But if treatments are necessary, it’s best to do them right the first time. This way, you can concentrate on preventing future infestations rather than spending your valuable time trying to get rid of an existing infestation.

The Basics of Pest Control

Pest control aims to reduce pest numbers to acceptable levels with minimal harm to other organisms. The main approaches are prevention, suppression, and eradication.

Monitoring is the key to effective pest management. It helps you determine whether a pest is causing damage that requires control and what control method to use. Click to learn more.

Preventing pests is easier than getting rid of them once they appear, so it’s important to focus on preventative methods. Sealing cracks, repairing screens, and keeping storage areas clean are all great ways to keep pests at bay.

Eliminate the Attractants

Many pests are drawn to retail or hospitality environments primarily for food, water, and shelter. When pests are present, the result can be physical contamination of foodstuffs by rodent droppings and insect parts, microbial pathogens carried in the pests’ bodies or on their external surfaces, and damage to facilities.

Food crumbs, dirty dishes, and clogged garbage cans are common attractants. Keep these items away from the building and use tightly fitting lids on garbage cans. Clean storage areas regularly and eliminate hiding places such as stacks of books or newspapers.

Moisture attracts pests as well. Leaky pipes, overflowing gutters, and sagging basements are all sources of moisture that should be corrected. Dehumidifiers can also help remove excess humidity.

Clutter creates more hiding places for pests and gives them more opportunities to breed and nest. Get rid of stacks of paper and cardboard, keep trash containers sealed and vacuum frequently.

The right plants can also help to keep pests at bay. Certain varieties are resistant to specific pests or can be helpful in deterring them, such as nematodes that target grubs and other soil-dwelling insects.

IPM is an ecosystem-based strategy that emphasizes prevention of pests or their damage through a combination of biological control, habitat manipulation and modification of cultural practices. It uses monitoring to determine when pesticides are needed, and when they are applied, it’s done so with the goal of removing only the pest species and not beneficial organisms as well.

A pest problem that starts out small can quickly become out of hand. It’s a good idea to consult a pest management professional at the first sign of an infestation. An expert can help you identify the best control strategy and recommend nonchemical approaches that will keep pests at bay without putting your staff or customers at risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.


When prevention measures are not effective, or conditions do not allow for preventive controls, pest suppression tactics are employed. Suppression is typically a short-term measure, unless the pest poses a health or safety risk, as with rodents chewing insulation in homes and hospitals or mosquitoes spreading disease. In such cases, corrective actions must be taken quickly to reduce the threat. Suppression tactics include cultural practices, physical controls and the use of biological controls or pesticides.

Cultural and physical controls kill or block a pest, or make the environment unsuitable for it. Examples include traps for rodents, mulches for weed management or barriers such as screens. These can be used alone or in combination with other control methods.

Biological pest control uses natural enemies to reduce pest populations through predation, parasitism or herbivory. It involves careful selection and testing of natural enemies, usually in a laboratory setting, for their ability to attack the target pest before they are released into the wild. This process is very labor intensive and must be carefully synchronized with the target pest’s life cycle and environmental factors to ensure success.

Chemical pest controls use synthetic substances to kill or repel a pest or alter the pest’s behavior or physiology. These are usually formulated as a spray, bait, or gel and can be applied in a variety of ways. Most pesticides are classified as either non-selective or selective, and they can harm beneficial organisms as well as pests. Selective pesticides are often more environmentally responsible than general purpose chemicals, as they target the specific pest species rather than other plants or animals.

Pesticides should be used sparingly and only when necessary. In the home, the most effective approach is to remove food, water and shelter sources by storing foods in sealed containers and removing garbage on a regular basis with tightly-fitting lids. It is also important to keep gardens and landscapes free of debris that can provide hiding places for pests.

Many pests can be prevented with regular inspections of the garden, landscape or home. Look for entry points where pests may enter and block them, such as caulking cracks and crevices or using wire mesh to cover holes around pipes, drains or foundation. Regularly inspect the garden or landscape for plant diseases and take steps to eliminate them when they are found.


The goal of eradication is to eliminate a pest population to the point that it can no longer survive. Eradication is rare in outdoor pest situations, and it is generally impossible to achieve without substantial government support (see Mediterranean fruit fly, gypsy moth, and fire ant control programs). In enclosed environments such as homes, schools, office buildings, and food processing and preparation facilities, however, eradication is often a realistic goal.

Typically, chemical pest control methods provide faster and more consistent results than biological controls. They include sprays and aerosols that deter or kill pests, as well as solutions designed to alter the environment or habitat that the pest inhabits. Some of these chemicals are toxic to people and pets, so only licensed pest control technicians should handle them.

Physical methods involve removing or blocking access points, using temperature control to kill pests, and setting traps or other devices to catch and remove pests from the area. Examples of these techniques include removing or securing nests, blocking holes in walls or doors, and sealing cracks and crevices with caulk or plaster. Putting up netting or screens can also help to block access. Some physical pest control methods also use odors to repel or poison.

Another common method of preventing pest infestations is cleaning up the yard to reduce attractants. This includes removing any leaf debris or woodpiles where pests may hide, and keeping grass and shrubbery trimmed back to prevent overgrowth that can create hiding places for pests. Eliminating weeds and other plants that provide shelter or food for pests can also help to reduce pest populations.

Biological pest control involves introducing natural enemies to the environment to reduce pest populations to less damaging levels. Examples of these are parasites, predators, and pathogens. In addition to these, some biocontrol methods involve genetically modifying organisms so that they can function as natural enemies with minimal impact on the environment.


IPM (Integrated Pest Management) is an ecosystem-based approach to combating herbivores, pathogens and weeds that uses several methods simultaneously to control them while minimizing the use of chemical pesticides. It is sometimes illustrated as a pyramid, with preventive and curative non-chemical methods at the base of the pyramid, with chemical controls used only when monitoring indicates they are needed. IPM incorporates entomology, plant pathology, nematology and weed science with cultural manipulation of the environment to reduce pest damage.

IPM is often cheaper than conventional pest control in the long run because it reduces a school or day care center’s need for pesticide applications. It is also safer because it limits the amount of chemicals that are applied and minimizes exposure to children and staff. A well-developed IPM program can help a gardener, home gardener or landscaper reduce the need for fungicides as it increases the presence of beneficial insects and other natural predators that keep pest populations low.

The first step in an IPM plan is to identify the pest problem. This is done by observing plants, looking for signs of pest activity and keeping a pest sighting log. This helps to determine when to take action and the size of that action. For example, rats and cockroaches can cause structural damage but require control only when their population reaches intolerable levels, whereas Japanese beetles or sowbugs do not.

Once the pest level is determined, the gardener or grower can develop a treatment strategy. In the garden, this might include removing shelter from the area to discourage pests, mulching, avoiding overhead watering to reduce fungal disease and using a product such as Daconil Fungicide to prevent or control leaf diseases like botrytis blight or black spot in roses. In the field, this might include using a combination of mechanical and physical controls such as stretch netting to stop marauding birds and gopher traps for destructive rodents or tillage to disrupt breeding.

When the need for pesticides is indicated by monitoring, the use of chemicals is limited as much as possible to avoid the development of resistance. This may be accomplished by varying the IPM techniques used within an area and over time, or through the use of different chemicals with the same target organism.

The Basics of Pest Control

Pests contaminate food and water, destroy property, pose health risks to people and animals, and interfere with agricultural production and food processing.

Some natural forces affect pest populations, such as climate, the availability of food and water, barriers to travel, overwintering sites, and shelter. Other natural controls include landscaping to restrict pest movement and the use of resistant varieties of plants, animals, or structures. Contact Pest Control Springfield MO now!

Taking preventative steps to stop pest problems before they occur is the best way to protect your home or business. However, no building is immune to infestation. Even buildings that receive regular maintenance from a professional pest control company can fall victim to a problem due to factors outside their control. This is especially true of outdoor environments where pests such as birds, rodents, and insects are often attracted to buildings. These pests can cause serious damage and health risks if not controlled.

Preventing a pest infestation starts with identifying and blocking potential entry points for the pests. This includes sealing cracks and crevices, keeping trash cans tightly closed, and ensuring that food is kept in sealed containers both inside and out. It also means cleaning up crumbs, trash and other attractants around the property. The yard should be cleared of brush, overgrown weeds and other hiding spots that can provide shelter for the pests.

In addition, the location of water and food sources should be moved away from the building to deter pests from coming near them. This can include putting in an enclosed compost area, moving bird feeders and baths away from the house, and ensuring that all irrigation water is gathered in the morning instead of at night when nocturnal pests tend to be active.

Pests can spread diseases and contaminate food when they come into contact with it. They can also interfere with agricultural production by eating crops or destroying the crops’ seeds. This can lead to a loss of income for the farmers and reduced food supplies for consumers.

The three goals of pest control are prevention, suppression and eradication. Prevention is the most desirable goal because it is the only one that does not require a direct cost to achieve it. This is particularly true of outdoor pest control where the goal is to stop the pests before they become a problem. The other two goals are more costly and involve reducing the amount of harm caused by the pests to an acceptable level.


Pests are organisms that damage plants or animals and may also injure people and pets. The goal of pest control is to prevent or reduce their numbers to an acceptable level. Pest control methods include prevention, suppression, eradication, and quarantine. Pests can be insects, rodents, or birds, and may damage crops, livestock, and property or spoil food and other supplies.

In addition to physical and chemical control measures, natural controls (e.g., weather or topography) limit the distribution of pests. Biological controls use predators and parasites to reduce pest populations. Chemical controls include fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and other compounds. Cultural and behavioral controls make the environment less suitable for pests by changing food sources, shelter, or water availability. Physical and mechanical controls include traps, barriers, and caulking cracks. Regulatory controls, such as quarantine or eradication programs, require knowledge of local and state laws.

Threshold-based decision-making involves assessing the pest problem and environmental conditions to determine whether or not it requires action. For example, a few bees flying around the house infrequently do not usually warrant action, but a large infestation of Japanese beetles destroying a garden would be an indication that control is necessary.

Control methods should be used sparingly and carefully to reduce toxicity risks to people, pets, and the environment. Physical and behavioral techniques can be effective for small problems, and chemical controls can eliminate or suppress larger infestations. Preventive steps can include removing food sources, cleaning up trash and clutter, sealing cracks, and eliminating standing water.

Some pests, such as aphids, caterpillars, and beetles, are continuous pests that need regular attention. Others, such as mosquitoes and fleas, are sporadic or migratory and need only occasional control.

Climate affects pest populations directly by influencing the growth of their host plants and indirectly by affecting other factors that influence plant and animal behavior. Predators, parasites, and pathogens also affect pest populations. For example, nematodes attack aphids and other insects, and some fungi infect and kill plant diseases. Plant hormones such as juvenile hormones and pheromones also affect insect development. Understanding these forces and how they relate to pest management can help you develop and implement an effective control strategy.


Using methods like traps, poisons or fumigation, pest control involves getting rid of a pest infestation. However, eradicating a pest problem goes beyond simply killing the current pests to keep them from coming back. To do this, you must find and eliminate the source of the problem. For example, if you have an infestation of mice, you must get to the root cause by finding and eliminating the rodents’ food supply, water or shelter in your home. Look for droppings, gnaw marks and nesting materials in drawers or other off-the-ground spaces. Mouse infestations can also pose a health risk, causing asthma attacks and other health problems, as well as doing significant damage to structures. Rodents can carry hantavirus, salmonella leptospirosis and other diseases and chew through drywall and other materials in your home.

A good pest management program will use prevention, suppression, and eradication methods in the right sequence for a particular situation. The goal is to maintain a balance between the benefits and costs of each type of control.

Pest control methods include cultural, biological, chemical and mechanical techniques. These may be applied on a local or regional basis. Cultural and biological control are generally less costly than chemical controls. However, they may not be as effective as chemical treatments.

When selecting a pest control service, be sure the company is licensed and insured. Also, make sure to read customer reviews and ask for references. The best pest control services will use integrated pest management methods, which are safer for people and the environment than standard chemical controls.

Keeping your property clean is the number one way to prevent pests from entering the house. Remove scraps of food from the outside of the house, and seal any cracks or holes that pests can enter through. Store foods in Tupperware or other containers that pests can’t access.

The term ‘eradicate’ means to drive out or destroy a pest infestation completely. Exterminate implies total extinction of the pest population by eliminating all living individuals of the species (as in ‘terminate’ rat extermination). Eradicate can also refer to the destruction of an entire area, for example, in removing weeds or brush from fields.


Pest monitoring involves checking a field, garden, forest, building or farm to determine what pests are present, how many of them there are and how much damage they are doing. This information allows you to decide whether or not a particular pest should be controlled, which control methods are best, and when to start using them. It also lets you know if you have reached the action threshold or the point at which control is required to prevent unacceptable damage or injury.

The identification of pests is the first step in developing an effective integrated pest management (IPM) strategy. It is done by scouting the land or facility, trapping or checking for insect-like pests, and inspecting weeds and vertebrate or mollusk pests. It can also be done by looking at the damage caused by a pest, and by recording observations on a chart or spreadsheet.

IPM programs focus on prevention, suppression and eradication of pests rather than reliance on chemical controls. However, some pests are considered a serious health hazard and must be controlled immediately, such as rodents in food facilities and flies or cockroaches in hospitals or other health care settings. In these situations, a zero tolerance policy is implemented and immediate, aggressive pest control measures are taken.

In many cases, IPM programs are used for routine pest control in commercial facilities and agricultural crops. They are also used to manage invasive plants and natural enemies of pests such as birds, earthworms, bees and dragonflies. They are based on an ecosystem approach that focuses on changing environmental conditions, using biological control and other non-chemical means to prevent pests from becoming a problem.

The best way to monitor a pest problem is to eliminate all possible entry points that insects, rodents and other pests can exploit. This includes making sure that doors, windows and vents close tightly and are well-sealed. It also means removing anything that might provide hiding places or attract pests, such as loose garbage, compost piles, or bird feeders. Eliminating these potential entry points can greatly reduce the need for regular, intensive pest control.
